Most of you will know we’re not particularly into the whole Christmas thing, but we went out Christmas eve to buy something for the neighbours we know to one side of us.
After praying for them we wrote a little card with a few things we felt God saying to them, and delivered it when they came back from their Christmas hols. Then a few days ago, they knocked on our door and delivered this!
We must be doing something right.
It was only later I remembered I’d added a P.S to the bottom of the card saying “feel free to knock on our door if you ever need anything/have any cake you need eating up”!
24-1 prayer
Now this is the communion bit I referred to in the post title.
To inaugurate both the prayer room and the new year we decided to invite friends to fill up all 24 hours of today, 31st December, with prayer. We almost managed it with just four and a half hours left uncovered.
Some friends are planning to pray at home babysitting, and right now I can hear two of the lads down in the cellar praying and telling one another what God’s telling them.
We’ve invited everyone to pile into the cellar prayer room for the last hour tonight, should be fun.