If you read our last post ‘At a Crux‘ you’ll know we had a bit of a dilemma recently. Well things have certainly moved on since then. You can stop holding your breath: we’re moving to Towcester Road.
So this’ll be our fifth house now. It seems every new house we move into is a bit of an upgrade. I wonder what’s next?
It’s a house known to many as ‘Living Light’ because of the church household by that name who’ve been in the property for years. Six of us will be joining the few Living Light people living there now (fantastic people, we’re so grateful to them) and making it our home too. We’re trying to not call the house ‘Living Light’ because that’s the name of a household that meet in various houses now, so things could get a little confusing.
As the contract at number 93 will be up first we’ve been moving those guys in around this weekend, and the rest of us at 33 will be joining them as soon as we can, with that contract due to last until November.
So it’s been quite a job moving and throwing away a house-full of stuff to move into a house already very well equipped, but we’re getting there.
Alongside all the practical stuff, God’s been speaking into our situation, nudging us along and showing us it’s all His big idea anyway. At the start of this year God spoke to us very clearly from Isaiah 54:2 using a wooden peg. And then recently Raz had a similar amazing encounter at an event called Faith Camp, as she tells here:
“My old head of sixth form and sixth form tutor prayed with me. I told him about The House Thing and the discipleship month people are doing and he was really encouraged by it. He was saying how it seems to meet a need that is in Northampton – the fact that there’s not a huge amount going on for young adults.
So he prayed for me/us, and during his prayer he mentioned about us enlarging the place of our tent and hammering in a giant peg! So Isaiah 54:2 is clearly something God is trying to say to us, as the teacher dude knew nothing about the wooden tent peg Dave sent us.
He also then said a word he has had recently and believes is relevant to us also is ‘Confluence’ which means ‘the act or process of merging’ but also the junction of two rivers of equal width. He mentioned about two rivers joining together. He said he isn’t sure what that looks like for us, so I guess that’s where we seek God and see what it means. He also encouraged me to network with churches around Northampton, to share the vision and come together. Was rather encouraging.”
As it goes, the word ‘confluence’ is pretty apt considering our two House Thing houses will be joining together again soon in this larger house.
Here’s the house:
Back of the house Pool in the dining room Garden from above Another shot of the back from the end of the garden One of the loft rooms Our Sunday morning meeting In the lounge Lounge
Shacka boom.
It’s interesting to see the mix of committed sticking together with individual changes and circumstantial. We have no abiding city comes to mind, but without some stability it’s hard to build. I think families help with that. Keep working it out.