People moving, bible studies, stuff…

So much has happened since my last post at the end of November, some big things too. We said a very fond and sad farewell to Joz, Abbey and Rosie who’ve moved in with the lovely people at Saving Faith, Norwich, and to Esme who’s moved to London with some folk from Antioch Community.

Our Sunday mornings are going OK, with a good load of people taking it in turns to host and cook. Amazing opportunity for people to rise into ministry.

The bible studies are chugging along nicely, now with two meeting in our house: one or new Christians (led by Effervescent Jack and Erudite Rob), plus the standard ‘deeper’ one.

In the second bible study we took a good look at the Acts of the apostles, seeking to explore the question “what was the early church like?” This covered the following topics:

  • Spirit-filled (Pentecost). Bold. Full of joy, glad & generous hearts. Full of faith.
    Activity: pray for one another to be filled with the Spirit
  • On a mission, Gospel-centred. Eternal mindset, martyrs. Peter, Steven, Paul.
  • Miracle-working. Great power & great grace.
  • Praying. In awe.
  • Fellowship. One mind, devoted to teaching, house to house, eating
  • All in common. Justice.
  • Everyone a minister. Five-fold ministries.

We wanted the studies to not just be a brain exercise but to shape us, so each topic included an activity we did that night and a challenge for our personal discipleship in the following week.

Josh had an inspiration to dig a little deeper into what the gospel is, so that’s the topic we’re on right now. Tomorrow night Raz will be leading what we’re calling “experience night”, with devotional reading, communion and prayer, that sort of thing. I’m sure she’ll come up with something refreshing.

I have a few more blog posts planned, but that’ll do for now.

3 Responses

  1. Brilliant to read how the Lord is leading you all!
    Are you still doing or rather having a pray room as well, like you had before?

    • Thank you. We did try doing up our cellar to use as a prayer room but it keeps flooding. We made the first week of this year a prayer week.