Fighting without sandals

Joshua 5:13-15 describes with only a few words one crazy encounter Joshua had on the eve of battle.

They were looking to overthrow the great city of Jericho. While Joshua apparently needed loads of encouragement at that point he may have thought they already had it in the bag. He had a promise of the land, he had a plan, he had a strategy.

But one day near the city he was stopped by a man with a drawn sword. Perhaps feeling threatened, perhaps looking for support for his plan, Joshua asked this man “Are you for us or against us?” “No!” he replied. This was the commander of the army of YHWH.

Whether this was an angel or an appearance of Jesus the eternal Son of Man Himself (more likely I think as he allowed Joshua to worship him), Joshua asked the man if he had a message. What should we do then, Commander? What’s the great strategy? He soon found out that God’s way of taking Jericho isn’t our way of taking Jericho. Joshua was told to take off his sandals, which is a weird battle strategy. He was told to get into the presence of God.

Of course this was later to become the whole battle-plan with worshippers leading a singing army around the city.

We’re going to be ‘taking off our shoes’ this Friday and Saturday, creating a prayer chain from 9pm to 9pm, and all joining together for the last hour. We want to press into God’s presence together. You can sign up now to pray with us then at We’ll make the prayer room at 162 available.

1 Response

  1. I looked up a reference to a prayer movement in America where thousands of young people have gathered to pray. You may find it inspiring if you haven’t heard of it. Blessings on your endeavours. Marjorie Harwood